“For Nothing Was Simply One Thing:” Virginia Woolf’s To The Lighthouse

3 thoughts on ““For Nothing Was Simply One Thing:” Virginia Woolf’s To The Lighthouse”

  1. Ally, I think you took this blog in a different direction and I love it! I love how you described the audience and identity. I never thought about it that way. It is very interesting that you said the audience tends to identify with either Mr. or Mrs. Ramsey. I really find that fascinating. I think it would be interesting to add that whichever character you identify with creates a different audience. Those identifying with Mr. Ramsey may read the novel different than those who identify with Mrs. Ramsey. It would also be interesting if you added which you identify with and how it could cause you to read it different. I think you did amazing with this blog and it could definitely be expanded on! Great last blog!


  2. Ally, this is such a well written blog! I felt a little bad about choosing such a hard book after reading it and writing the first blog, especially since you had to write the hardest blog, but you did awesome! You broke it down really well when figuring out what each audience was and why. I think including how the author writes with a feministic idea, yet with this book Mrs. Ramsey falls into her gender role as a wife. I do think there was a slight gap between the third and fourth paragraph, but it might just be the “however”, since it doesn’t transition smoothly. Otherwise, this was great!


  3. This was a nice blog, great job. I really like how you know some background on Virginia Woolfe the author. Also, how you explained how much Mrs Ramsay’s really did taking care of eight children and her husband at home. Being there for nine people every day must be a lot. The narrator definitely talks about the different sex roles and how Mrs. Ramsay plays her part in the family. I too noticed Mrs. Ramsay not being able to express herself completely. Mrs. Ramsay’s death definitely made her family change.


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