Blog 3: Live Like You Are Dying

3 thoughts on “Blog 3: Live Like You Are Dying”

  1. Chelsea, fantastic job with this blog in my opinion! I had never seen A Walk to Remember, but I think you did a great job at describing it. The way you explained it, I can definitely see the connection between To The Lighthouse and A Walk To Remember. Something you could have done to further your argument could have been to add a quote from the movie or something. Also, I think it could help to add quotes describing what the semic code is for emphasis. Anyways, I think this blog was done so well!


  2. Chelsea, even though you struggled with this blog, it turned out really well! You clearly describe what the semic code is in the novel, and I love the connection you made to the novel A Walk to Remember- it’s the perfect connection, and even though the stories are so different, they have almost the exact same message. The guy is struggling down a different path than the girl, the girl lives life to the fullest and passes away, then the guy follows the right path. I also liked how you asked the reader questions for them to think about for themself, but maybe expand more after you ask the group of questions, or why you decided to ask them. Otherwise, great job!


  3. Chelsea, your blog was written so well and I love the connection you made between the two novels, To The Lighthouse and A Walk to Remember. As Heather said, both the stories are so different from one another, but yet the message is essentially the same. To The Lighthouse was a difficult read but the overall message is delivered so well and I think you wrote about it exceptionally— I think we all struggled with the texts a little, but it’s evident in your writing that you took away the significance of the novel.


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